Im Humble Store gibt es gerade bis einschliesslich Samstag abend um 18 Uhr den schon etwas älteren, aber nach wie vor coolen Coop-Shooter „Killing Floor“ gratis für Steam!
In diesem Spiel erwehrt Ihr Euch zusammen mit bis zu 6 Mitspielern immer stärker werdenden Angriffswellen immer üblerer Kreaturen und versucht, das jeweilige Level möglichst zu überleben. Hier kurz die Beschreibung aus dem Humble Store und ein Video, mit dem ihr Euch einen Eindruck des Spiels verschaffen könnt:
- Cooperative gameplay for up to six players against multiple waves of specimens
- Persistent Perks system, allowing players to convert their in-game achievements into permanent improvements to their character’s skills and abilities
- Over 170 Steam Achievements, including “Dignity for the dead” for killing 10 enemies feeding on dead teammates‘ corpses and “Hot Cross Fun” for finishing off 25 burning enemies with a Crossbow
- Slow-motion “ZEDtime” to better watch those crucial and violent creature deaths, even in multiplayer
- Solo game mode for offline play
- Ten different monster types trying to eat your face off, armed with everything from teeth and claws, to chainsaws, chain-guns and rocket-launchers
- 33+ weapons for the players to chose from, ranging from knives and fire-axes to pump shotguns, rifles and a flamethrower
- Equip your team with welders, medical tools and body armor to help your odds of survival
- Choose which Perks to play with to best balance out your co-op team against the horrors
- Open, non-linear play areas: choose when and where to fight — or run; weld doors closed to direct the monster horde down alternate corridors
- Fully-configurable, allowing players to change the difficulty level, number of creature waves, or even set up their own favorite waves of monsters
- Support for Steam Friends and other Steamworks features
- Includes Windows-only SDK for the creation of new levels and mods